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How to get your car ready for the winter?

Get Your Car Ready for Winter, Dallas European Auto, Plano, TX

Winter is approaching, which means it’s time to make sure your vehicle is ready to make it through the season in stride. There are a number of considerations to make in order to ensure that your vehicle is in winter shape.

Where to Start?

It’s always good to start under the hood. Cold weather can damage your vehicle’s electrical system and battery, and the increased power demands of defrosters, windshield wipers, and heating systems makes an electrical system test necessary.

1. Test the battery – If you’re not experienced testing your own battery, visit your local auto parts store where someone can better assist you. A simple battery test can be performed by turning on your vehicle’s headlights prior to starting the engine. If you notice the lights get brighter once the engine is running, a more thorough battery test should be undertaken.

2. Check electrical systems – Since you’ve tested the battery; now check the other part of your car’s electrical system, which includes the starter and alternator. A proper electrical check will help recognize the warning signs of any potential electrical weaknesses.

3. While we’re under the hood, this is a good time to check the oil. While your oil will usually work just fine for 3,000 miles or more, changes in air temperature can affect performance. Even if you just topped up, you’ll want to make sure to get a fresh oil change.

4. Coolants and other fluids – While it’s more common to worry about the cooling system in the summer, it’s just as important to check it in the winter. If your car’s coolant is not mixed correctly, it could freeze and damage your radiator or engine. Furthermore, don’t forget extra washer fluid, new wipers, a snow scraper, and jumper cables.

5. Check your brakes – Your brakes should be checked periodically, but especially as winter approaches. You’ll use your brakes more in extreme weather. Therefore, making sure they are functioning properly will optimize safety.

What’s Next?

You’re off to a good start! Tires are next on the list. In extreme winter conditions, experts recommend winter tires. Winter tires are specifically built for weather below 45 degrees, whereas the rubber in all-season tires can harden, and potentially offer less grip in freezing temperatures. Either way, you’ll want to make sure to repair and align your tires in preparation.

Is that all?

There are a few items left on the list to consider that are important to optimizing your car winter’s preparedness. Always carry an emergency kit with you: extra gloves, boots and blankets; flares; a small shovel and sand or kitty litter; tire chains; a flashlight and extra batteries; and a cell phone and extra car charger. Put a few “high-energy” snacks in your glove box.

Finally, clean your vehicle inside and out. Both the interior and exterior of your car are vulnerable to snow, ice and road salt. Now your car is ready for the winter.