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How To Keep Your AC Running Efficiently

Keeping your cool in your car during the summer months is crucial, as we face record heat more and more often, and making sure your car’s AC is running efficiently is increasingly important. The danger of a hot car that’s been sitting in the sun for hours in the middle of July or August can be significant, especially for those who are most vulnerable, the very young or elderly, or even small pets.

The key to your car’s ability to stay cool in the summer is your AC. And making sure that your AC is well maintained and running at full efficiency is at the heart of your summer car cooling challenge.

Automobile Air Conditioning Repair in DallasThe number one component of keeping your AC running efficiently is regular car air conditioning service, to help ensure optimal passenger comfort and vehicle performance, especially on the hottest days of the year when you need it the most.

While most people believe that your air conditioner just pumps cold air into the car, in reality, your air conditioner also pulls hot air out of your car, in addition to blowing cold air into the vehicle interior.

Proper maintenance of your car air conditioning involves making sure that the entire system is working, which means that hot air is being removed efficiently from the interior of the car’s cabin and dispelling it into the atmosphere outside, in addition to pumping cool air back into the vehicle interior.

That’s why regular maintenance of your auto AC is so necessary because a variety of different components need to work together effectively for your car to function at full capacity in delivering total comfort to you.

During your AC maintenance check-ups, make sure that your compressor, condenser, and evaporator are functioning properly because these mechanical parts need to be properly maintained to prevent a breakdown.

At Dallas European Auto, our highly trained mechanics are known for being cool under pressure, and we can help you make sure that your car keeps you in the chill zone all summer long.  Living in the Dallas area means that having a properly functioning AC is an absolute necessity, which is why so many customers rely on us for regular maintenance and repair of their vehicle’s air conditioning.

In particular with your car air conditioner, the more quickly a problem issue is identified and repaired, the less costly the situation is likely to become. When you bring your car into Dallas European Auto for an air conditioner check-up, we’ll do an overall system diagnosis, replace any refrigerant as needed, evaluate and replace any blower motor components that are worn or in need of repair, and thoroughly examine and clean or repair or replace your condenser and evaporator.



Other than regular maintenance from the auto AC experts at Dallas European Auto, it’s also essential that if you have a vehicle that’s not used regularly, to run the system for a few minutes at least once a week which helps to ensure that the different hoses, valves, and pumps throughout your vehicle’s air conditioning system are kept well lubricated.

So make sure your AC is serviced on a regular basis, be certain to run the system at least once a week especially during the hottest days of summer, and you should be able to keep cool and comfortable all year round, no matter how hot it is outside.