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The Most Reliable Car In Summer Heat

We often get asked, “What’s the most reliable car in the summer heat?” It’s a great question, especially given how hot it is in the summertime, and here at Dallas European Auto we know a lot about taking care of the finest automobiles in the world, and we’ve seen how different cars respond to the blazing mid-summer sun and heat.

First, you should know that all modern cars are fully capable of enduring summer heat, particularly if they are well maintained. During the design and manufacturing process, every vehicle is put under standardized quality evaluation and testing in extreme weather conditions just to make certain that it’s built to withstand both the hot and cold. If you have concerns about your current vehicle and its ability to withstand the warm weather, take the time now to schedule an appointment with us, and we can give your car a full summer weather check-up.

There are differences between cars though, and one simple difference can be seen in the color of your car’s paint and the color of the interior. Dark colors like black, absorb the sun’s energy, and can more readily transmit that heat into the interior of your vehicle.

If you have a car with black exterior paint and black interior, the physical properties of the sun’s energy are more likely to absorb heat into the interior of the car, whereas lighter colors, like white or silver or tan or grey, tend to reflect back the sun’s energy, which can make a difference in how hot your vehicle gets while it’s sitting in the sun.

Car Maintenance in DallasIf you are buying a car that’s been made in the last 8 years, you can feel confident that every car in the class that you’re choosing from, in terms of price range and size, will have equivalent capabilities in terms of air conditioning and gas mileage. If you’re buying a used vehicle, you can consult with Consumer Reports or Edmunds about questions of reliability, but in general manufacturing standards have become standardized and you really should rely more on a good mechanic to advise you as to whether or not the car you’re considering purchasing is a good bet in terms of weathering the summer heat.

Contact us to schedule an appointment if you have a vehicle that you’re considering purchasing if you would like us to evaluate it for you, and we can help you by checking it over to see how well the vehicle has been maintained, which is the key consideration in purchasing a used vehicle.

Another consideration for those of us who live in warmer climates is how quickly the air conditioning cools down your vehicle after you start it. This is something you should try out for yourself if you’re considering purchasing a vehicle. Start it up on a hot day after it’s been in the sun, and keep track of how long the air conditioning takes to cool down the vehicle, although in general, we’ve seen that increasingly modern auto air conditioning is working very well in terms of cooling down a vehicle quickly and effectively.

Many of the factors that are important when it comes to keeping your vehicle summer time ready have more to do with proper and regular maintenance of your vehicle.

In our experience, the cars that perform best in the hot sun of the dead of summer are those vehicles whose owners make a habit of regular maintenance. Issues like battery corrosion can raise the internal temperature of the battery and lead to battery failure. Always making sure that your fluid levels, in particular, the engine oil and coolant are at the proper level is important, in addition to transmission and power-steering fluids.  Proper tire inflation is another way to keep your vehicle functioning at the optimal temperature and performance level.

Of course, many people feel that the best kind of car for the summer heat is a convertible or a car with a sunroof. Summer is a great time to drive and to experience the open air and the road, and driving with the top down or the sunroof open (when it’s not too hot!) are great ways to savor summer driving at its best. And when you’re not driving, try to keep your car parked in the shade, which both keeps your car cool, but also preserves the color and appearance of your upholstery, paint, and trim.

So when the mercury in the thermometer is rising, and you feel like it’s time for your summer road trip, just make sure that you’ve taken care of all your routine maintenance, so that you and your car are ready for the sweltering summer heat.

That way you can enjoy the ride without worrying about skyrocketing temperatures. And if you have any concerns about your vehicle and whether or not its summer weather ready, just schedule a routine maintenance check-up with us, and we’ll get your car set for the scorching hot weather!